How to Spin 20 Corespun Yarn Textures

CORESPUN Method 1 - basic
Welcome to the exciting world of corespinning! In this introductory video I will show you how I prefer to choose a core thread and how I corespin from an art...
CORESPUN Method 1 - basic
Welcome to the exciting world of corespinning! In this introductory video I will show you how I prefer to choose a core thread and how I corespin from an art...

CORESPUN Method 2 - top
In this video we will be corespinning different types of top and rovings. Corespinning is usually best done with art batts, as the fibers are prepared in a way that...
CORESPUN Method 2 - top
In this video we will be corespinning different types of top and rovings. Corespinning is usually best done with art batts, as the fibers are prepared in a way that...

CORESPUN Method 3 - locks
In this video we will be corespinning wool locks. I recommend corespinning an art batt to get some practice corespinning before moving onto locks. This is a really fun way...
CORESPUN Method 3 - locks
In this video we will be corespinning wool locks. I recommend corespinning an art batt to get some practice corespinning before moving onto locks. This is a really fun way...

CORESPUN Method 4 - air
Calling all Mohair lovers! If you don't have mohair go get yourself some mohair and check out this video that Lexi Boeger called "mohairy" in her book Intertwined. This method...
CORESPUN Method 4 - air
Calling all Mohair lovers! If you don't have mohair go get yourself some mohair and check out this video that Lexi Boeger called "mohairy" in her book Intertwined. This method...

CORESPUN Method 5 - wire
A popular mixed media method in my corespinning series, this method teaches you how to create sculptable bendy twisty yarns that you can create 3D shapes and wearables with. Eventually...
CORESPUN Method 5 - wire
A popular mixed media method in my corespinning series, this method teaches you how to create sculptable bendy twisty yarns that you can create 3D shapes and wearables with. Eventually...

CORESPUN Method 6 - elastic
Another mixed media corespinning method, choose a stretchy core from your local craft store (there are many to choose from!) and corespin an art batt over it to create a...
CORESPUN Method 6 - elastic
Another mixed media corespinning method, choose a stretchy core from your local craft store (there are many to choose from!) and corespin an art batt over it to create a...