FREEFORM Wall Hanging (Free Handspun Project)
Super textured art yarns are perfect for displaying as wall hangings, and you can find lots of inspiration for wall weavings on Pinterest. Here is a very simple wall hanging that I made with remnants of art yarns and yarns that were too bulky to use in knit or crochet.
- A tree branch (mine is about 3 feet long)
- 2 Yards of Sari Silk or other Yarn for Hanging
- 100-150 yards of various handspun and commercial yarns
- Niddy Noddy (optional)
My wall hanging has strands of various textures of yarn that are about 3 feet long. I found it very simple to wrap the yardage I wanted from each texture on a niddy noddy and then cut into 2-yard lengths (6 feet total). Then I slip-knotted each texture on the branch - spacing the textures and contrast out along the branch to create a balanced yet freeform look. I used some sari silk yarn, coilspun yarn, boucle, various handspun textures, and some tailspun style yarn.
You can leave the ends of your wall hanging like mine - somewhat similar but ragged. Or you can trim them so they are blunt and even across. Or you can trim them into a triangle shape with the center of your wall hanging yarns coming to a point.
This wall hanging took me less than an hour to make and I love how it displays texture.